How can I determine a journal's rating?

According the university's Open Access procedures, the university will pay the APC for articles that are published in journals rated in the top 10%. How can I determine if a journal is rated in the top 10%?


To determine a journal's ranking, following these steps:

  1. Go to Scopus
  2. Click on "Sources" at the top right of the page  
  3. Change the search to "Title" and enter the title in the field. Click "Search"  
  4. In the results, find the "Highest percentile" for that journal. If the percentile is 90% or higher, the journal is in the top 10%. (In other words, subtract the highest percentile from 100, and that tells you where the journal is rated. If 100 - [the percentile] is 20, then the journal is rated in the top 20%.

There is more information about this here:

  • Last Updated Jul 05, 2024
  • Views 93
  • Answered By Walter Brian Hall

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